A woman in Brazil is being held by the police after she was charged with attempted murder.
The unidentified woman who accused her husband of sleeping with her 15-year-old niece was reported to have lured her husband, 39, into bed, where she bound his wrists and ankles before pulling out a razor and dismembering him, according to the Daily Mail.
After hacking off the appendage, she allegedly took a photo of it and then flushed it down the toilet.
The woman went to the police station in Atibaia with her brother and turned herself in on December 22.
“Good evening, officer, I came to introduce myself, because I just cut off my husband’s penis,” she allegedly told officers.
She told police that she heard it was “possible to reattach it.”
Her husband was taken to the hospital, and his condition is unknown.
Police are investigating her claims that he was sleeping with a minor. The age of consent in Brazil is 14.
Earlier this year, an Indonesian woman allegedly cut her boyfriend’s penis off when he threatened to leak their sex tapes after she refused to sleep with him.