Soldiers are refusing to leave the Banex Plaza in Wuse 2 area ofAbuja where some of their colleagues were manhandled over arguments about phone last weekend.
For about four days now the Plaza had been sealed off following a fisticuff between some the army personale and traders in the area. A trader had reportedly sold a bad phone to someone who invited soldiers. Rather than resolve the issue amicably, the trader reportedly invited thugs who assaulted the uniform men.
A lady was slapped by one of the soldiers on guard at the Plaza Tuesday and she was rushed to an unknown destination after she slipped into a coma. The lady had crossed the barricade erected by the soldiers on guard. After asking her some questions, one of the soldiers landed a slap on her and she collapsed.
Meanwhile, traders have been counting their losses over the military action, which they said could have been resolved without the lockdown.
“I am already counting losses. It doesn’t seem like they will leave anytime soon. We are pleading for the reopening of the place for business,” one of the traders Chibuzor Ike said.
Meanwhile some of the traders accused of orchestrating the attack on the soldiers have been arrested by the army. The wife of one of those arrested said in a Punch interview.
“My husband is currently being jailed at Mambilla Barracks, Asokoro, and the army authorities did not allow any of his relatives to visit him.
“He called me yesterday saying that his name was given out to the army, saying he was among those that fought them. He said he told them that he had nothing to do with the situation. He was later asked to come to see them, which he honoured, and since then, they have kept him at Mambilla Barracks in their duty room.
“I just gave birth through surgery and I had to find him through his live location but they didn’t let me see him. They sent me away. Last night he texted me that they tortured him so badly and broke his foot,” she added.

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