Brenda Biya, daughter of Cameroon life President Paul Biya, shocked her country with the revelation that she is in a same-sex relationship with a Brazilian model.
Same-sex relationship is forbidden in Cameroon, but the 26-year-old Brenda Biya shared on Instagram, a picture of her kissing her girlfriend Layyons Valença on the last day of Pride Month. “PS: I’m crazy about you & I want the world to know,” Brenda Biya captioned her post.
Her father strongly opposes the LGBT movement in Cameroon but that not withstanding Brenda Biya defiantly stated
“Nobody will have anything to say because only love shall win.
“I don’t condone hate, I think the mentality should change, but it will change once the people are ready.”
Homosexuality has been illegal in Cameroon since 1972. The law criminalizing homosexuality also attacks any same-sex sexual activity of any kind, with many arrests leading to as little as hefty fines to up to five years in prison. As decades have gone by, Human Rights Watch has found that anti-LGBT+ violence and abuse have only escalated in the country, finding an 88 percent increase in incidences from 2021 to 2022.

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