The Psquare music brothers are back to feuding level again after Paul Okoye a.k.a Rudeboy accused his other half of betrayal.
Rudeboy in a recent chat City FM Lagos, said it was Peter Okoye that orchestrated his recent arrest and interrogation by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission over alleged fraudulent activity.
“This year, I was invited by the EFCC after they received a petition against me from my twin brother. I never thought it [our beef] would get to this extent. I thought it was just music,” Rudeboy said.
“The next thing, people are asking me, ‘What do you do?’ Somebody said, ‘You’re going to go to jail for 20 years. They’re going to lock you up.’ I got to the EFCC office, they told me everything. They’ve already printed all my account statements. They asked me to explain every transaction.
“First of all, what entered my mind was, what if I was into fraud? That’s how my brother would have finished me? But I took it. Then they started the investigation. At a point, I was no longer comfortable with the kind of questions they were asking me. When I knew it was serious was when they asked me to get a lawyer and sureties. I did everything.
“One month ago, they called me, my twin brother and our elder brother [Jude Okoye], and said, ‘First of all, we have to say that after all investigations, Paul is innocent. Paul is cleared. Everything you accused him of, we’ve done our investigation and he’s innocent.’
“Despite the fact that I was proven innocent, my twin brother didn’t apologise for the false accusations,”
The brothers were reconciled after a long feud following disagreements between them in a family matter In 2016. But it seems old wounds have been reopened with the latest twist.
There has always been sibling rivalry between the duo in their music career and their elder brother Jude Okoye had always been the peacemaker.

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