Nollywood actress Destiny Etiko has debunked rumours that fellow actress Omotola Jalade Ekeinde’s husband Captain Matthew Ekeinde, are in a love tanlge and also bought her a car.
Etiko, was reacting to pictures her and Captain Ekeinde posted online suggesting that something was amiss.
But Etiko set the records straight with an online vide: “The last I checked 99.9 percent of what I’ve achieved in my life I freaking did it myself with my full chest.
“I don’t know why some people are bitter. Most of my birthdays I love to buy a car because I love to change cars every year.
“Some bitter people sat down and brought pictures of Omotola’s husband that I took with him over four years ago.
“And how did it happen? I was on a flight, and he was the pilot, so some people were snapping pictures with me. He asked what was happening and they told him I was an actress.
“He looked and I greeted him with (the) respect of a senior colleague’s husband. I asked him to let us take a selfie because of respect. We went there and took a selfie and that was it.”
“Leave the man in his house alone. Leave our beautiful legend Omotola alone. Leave the son alone,” Etiko warned her detractors.
“I’ve never met Omotola all my life. I only watched her growing up. I’ve never met her son all my life. The husband was on a flight and that was it,” she explained.

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