Joe Aribo was on for Southampton as they beat Leicester City 2-1 in Saturday’s English Premier League match and he praised former coach at Rangers Steve Gerrard for his improvement.

“I learned [from Gerrard] a lot to be fair. Even how he carries himself as a person. I think he is so relaxed. I don’t think, I don’t know how to say this, I don’t think he realises the impact he has on people,” Aribo told Sky Sport.

“That’s the first question people ask me, ‘What’s Steven Gerrard like?’ I just think he is so relaxed and easy-going. How he carries himself is amazing, especially with how big and important he is.

“We’d be eating breakfast, bantering, and he’d walk into the canteen and you’d know he’s in there. Sometimes I find myself not knowing what to say to him because I don’t want to say the wrong thing!

“I’d just laugh at what he’d say. I didn’t know what to say. I think he’s a real presence. Even on the pitch, he’d give me little pointers. Just little things. He was good for me.”

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